
Royston Swimming Club promotes technically proficient swimming from ages 8 yrs and swimmers compete competitively from 9 yrs.

Swimmers are grouped in squads and train from 1.5 hours a week upwards, depending on ability and ambition, including a land training session for our more competitive squads on Mondays. If asked, we expect all swimmers to be willing to swim competitively for the club in League meets and also encourage individuals to enter Open meets, County Championships and Regional Championships , should they qualify, and Open Water competitions.

We have squads to cover all levels, from the end of the Swim England award scheme (stages 8-10) through to Masters swimmers for over 18s. All our sessions are coached by a team of fully qualified Swim England teachers and coaches.  We also 'Link' with City of Cambridge Swimming Club for County level swimmers and above who could benefit from additional coaching .

In the summer we aim to offer Open Water sessions so that swimmers can gain Open Water experience and also in preparation for Regional Open Water Championships for those who wish to compete.


Read our latest newsletter HERE

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