Member Info
Sign up to our Members' Facebook page for regular posts about the Club day-to-day gala info and training.
Swim Club Manager is where you can find all the registered details we have for you/your swimmers. Members please make sure this is kept up to date!
If you have lost your login details, please contact
We have a number of key documents that support the Club and which members should be familiar with. READ THE KEY DOCUMENTS
View the Gala Calendar and Gala Guide
Squad & Club Structure
Parents & Swimmers please read more about how the Club swimming pathway and squads operate, and what is expected of each squad below.

Squads, training times and fees
New swimmers will be placed in a squad suitable for their ability and fitness following a trial. If there is no room within a suitable squad, swimmers will be placed on a waiting list until a space becomes available. Occasionally, we may put swimmers into a different squad if lanes allow this, and the Head Coach deems this suitable until a space becomes available. However, we do run at full capacity most of the time.
Moving between squads and swimmer development is the decision of the Head Coach based on a combination of factors, including; performance/ability, times achieved in training and meets, age, lane capacity/overall speed, overall club numbers, commitment and attitude to training including listening and responding to feedback.
We are a small and friendly, competitive Club but we do have maximum capacity on the number of lanes we can hire at the pool. Coaching is different to teaching and AquaEd as there are no pre-defined or 'tick-box' levels to complete before moving into a different squad. Some swimmers can also remain happy in their training squads without moving.
Below is the current training schedule and fees payable. Please also make sure you've paid your annual membership which is due every year, usually towards the end of the year.

More than one Member?
The club offers a sibling discount where more than one family member swims with the club, which you may apply for on joining.
Welfare of swimmers
If you have any concerns about the welfare of your swimmer, a member of coaching staff, another swimmer or anyone involved in the Club please contact this is a confidential email address inline with Swim England Welfare regulations. Read our Important Documents for more info on welfare.
This includes a Code of Conduct for Parents and Volunteers as well as Swimmers.
Kit list
New swimmers are provided with 1 x branded hat when they join. More hats, named items and other kits can be ordered via our partners and suppliers listed below.

We need you!
We rely heavily on volunteers to provide a number of roles, not least on the Committee running the Club and making sure that parents and swimmers have everything they need.
We also rely on volunteers for Galas (meets). Swim England requires licensed meets where official times are recorded to have a minimum number of Officials and Timekeepers. These roles are nearly always carried out by parents at every Club. Meets are occasionally cancelled due to insufficient volunteers in these roles.
Every Club needs to train and maintain the following roles in order that swimmers can compete at galas/meets;
Team Managers
Find out more about these roles and what's required. All training is paid for by the Club.
If you have a child swimming with us, please consider volunteering. If you are at a gala anyway - you get a bird's eye view of the action from poolside!
Plus, it's a great way to learn more about the sport to help your own swimmer/s progress.